Clients and Testimonials

Big Ten Accounting Firms
Top Tax Preparers
Accounting Firms from over 36 Countries
Tax Attorneys
Colleges and Universities
Financial Advisors
Private Investigators
Contract Border Control
Charitable Foundations
Security Technology Providers
Business Advisors and Counselors
Certified Security Managers
Corporate Human Capital Managers
Next time I need any training, you will be my first choice!"
- President of eastcoast tax service
​"I am in the process of doing the Forensic Training with e-idtraining.com. This is my second year using their program...so, so good."
- Judy Kelly CEO J.Kelly & Associates PC
“ I received my certification letter (certifcate) yesterday. I appreciate your quick and polite procedure."
- Tax Professional, Japan
​"Wow, you are taking care of business. Good job! I’ll be recommending the course to dozens of others."
- International Income Tax Professional
"This is not a company that threw together training just for IRS-CAAs...it is involved in many aspects of FDR training and research. I found e-idtraining well-organized and thorough. After completing the course, I received the certificates in the mail in less than a week."
- Owner/ Tax Preparer and Advisor
"The Training was so good. I really enjoyed getting the information your courses gave to me."
“The number of fake/counterfeit documents caught on the front lines immediately went up.”
– Kentucky DOT