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2025 Forensic Document Recognition (FDR) Training for ITIN CAAs

The IRS requires that completion certificates be shipped to you

Free USPS Priority Mail or Expedited (added charge) certificate deliveries are selected at the end of your course

ITIN CPE 2022 (1).png
English Only
English & Español

7 Continuing Professional Ed. Credits*

These are NOT IRS EA, ERPA, AFSP credits

see NOTE below




The fully-narrated on-line course can be stopped/resumed at your convenience. Your completion certificates are valid for both ITIN CAA and CPE purposes.


An expanded, comprehensive set of downloadable reference materials is included so that you will always have the fraud tools you need.


The course content remains available to you for 1year from purchase date (even after course completion).


Delivery Method: QAS self-study

Format: Electronic w/supplemental downloads

Location: On-line

Program Level: Basic

Prerequisites: None

Advanced preparation: None


Field of Study: Specialized knowledge

Recommended CPEs: 7 credits*

Final Exam: Multiple attempts permitted

Expiration: One year from purchase date

Course Updated: 12/6/2023


CPE Sponsor:

Nat'l Register of CPE Sponsors #132215

Buena Vista Resources LLC


2304 Stone Nook

Fredericksburg, TX 78624


Our standard FDR Training for ITIN

CAAs NOT seeking CPE credits



The fully-narrated on-line course is approximately 7 hours in length and can be stopped/resumed at your convenience.


A series of printable job aids covering essential concepts and document features is included.


The course content WILL NOT be available to you after course completion. 



The course does not issue Continuing Education Credits, but DOES FULFILL the ITIN Document Training requirement.

*In accordance with the standards of the National Register of CPE Sponsors, CPE credits have been granted based on a 50-minute hour. Buena Vista Resources LLC (dba is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Register of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have the final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website


NOTE: This course DOES NOT APPLY to the continuing education requirements of enrolled agents (EAs) and enrolled retirement plan agents (ERPAs) under section 10.6 of Circular 230 nor the Annual Filing Season Program/Revenue Procedure 2014-42 best irs-approved forensic training for ITIN CAAs
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